

Choose a product

Place an order using the Order Form
Fill out all the data needed to complete the order.

Immediately after receiving the order, we will contact you by phone to determine the details of the order (selected model, method of payment, delivery time and delivery cost).

All arrangements will be sent to you via email as order confirmation.

After acceptance, we transfer your order for processing and send the goods.

Delivery time
Standard: from 1-5 business days
exceptionally: 3-10 business days (orders with delivery over 1500 km)


Choose a product that interests you.

Click on “Inquiry” and send us a message.

After receiving the inquiry, we will call you back to determine the details (model, price, payment, delivery).

You will receive an email confirming the order according to our telephone conversation.

Accept the order and provide the data needed for shipping.

After acceptance, we transfer your order for processing and send the goods.

Delivery time
Standard: from 1-5 business days
exceptionally: 3-10 business days (orders with delivery over 1500 km)

Call us